No More Excuses! 3 Ways to Avoid Forgetting to Change Your Filter Ever Again

We’ve been talking a lot about air quality since we started this blog and more specifically we’ve mentioned several times the importance of changing your furnace’s filter regularly.

But as we’ve done this a majority of homeowners have said they don’t change their filter regularly. Usually they tell us one of three things;

  • I’m too busy
  • I don’t want to spend the money on a filter
  • I don’t really think it matters if my filter is replaced regularly

We’re going to ignore those of you who think there are not any negative side effects to changing your filter  and focus on those of you with time and money issues (wait, isn’t that most of us).

Here are three quick ways you can help yourself take care of this task. Read more

An Interactive View of Your Home’s Air Quality

Your Home's IAQ

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has put a lot of time and research into figuring out how Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) effects our health. With some studies showing people spending well over 60% of their time inside their home, the air quality should be important to all of us, not just the EPA.

As we explored the website, we came across a very interactive and informative program that shows some of the areas, common to most homes, that may be diminishing your home’s IAQ. Instead of reinventing the wheel and because we love finding good information to share with you. Read more

Let’s Clear The Air Up

clear up the air

At some point, you’ve probably had to go down into your basement and change the filter for your furnace. And most likely it’s probably been more than a month since the last time you did this, which is the max life expectancy for a typical one-inch (thick) filter. Read more

15 House Plants for Improving Indoor Air Quality

house-plants-improve-indoor-air-qualityGoing outside doesn’t have much appeal when there’s a minus sign in the temperature. And that definitely means opening the windows for fresh air is out of the question. Unfortunately when we stay indoors, especially during the winter, we are often subjecting ourselves to poor air quality.

But there are some things we can do to improve the air quality of our homes. House plants are a great, affordable option to help significantly improve the air quality of your home. Read more